Astroquery -- New Service Atomic Line List
The new support for the service will allow the user to ...
The new support for the service will allow the user to ...
The last week has officially been the so-called "community bonding period". I used it to get more familiar with the codebase, hang around on #astropy and follow the development via the mailinglist and the updates of the astroquery repository at GitHub. My next plans are:
- to finally finish my started …
GSoC is over. I'm glad to have participated. I will continue contributing to the SunPy project and even consider mentoring next year.
The attribute Wave now searches all entries and converts wavelengths from the given unit to nm, if necessary. A new attribute that is now supported is Time.
This week I worked on a seperate git branch to submit a pull request. I added a feature to extract the wavelength unit being used from a FITS header.
The Database class has been extended by the methods add_from_path and add_from_vso_query_result and set_cache_size. All these methods can be undone using the undo method. The query method now also supports the attributes Path, DownloadTime and FitsHeaderEntry.
In this week I added different new features for which I can't find one headline. The slicing syntax for Database and the function display_entries have been implemented thanks to one of my mentors, Steven Christe. Thank you for the ideas!
I'll be on vacation from July 20 — 27.
It is now possible to query the database.
A new feature is to make new database entries from a given directory.
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