Week 6 — Querying the database
Intro: Comparison with the VSO query interface
Querying the database works like the query method of VSOClient. The following query call filters all the data that was observed on 1st January, 2010 from 0:00 to 1:00 and was observed via the instrument EIT or SOT:
result = client.query(
vso.attrs.Time((2010, 1, 1), (2010, 1, 1, 1)),
vso.attrs.Instrument('eit') | vso.attrs.Instrument('sot')
Preparing the database: adding sample entries
Before showing how to query a database, the database is prepared by adding some sample entries. Ten entries are added, of which every second one is starred, every fourth one gets the tag foo and every fifth one gets the tag bar. To make sure that these entries are saved in the database, the method commit is called on the database object.
>>> from sunpy.database import Database, DatabaseEntry
>>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> database.create_tables()
>>> for i in xrange(1, 11):
... entry = DatabaseEntry()
... database.add(entry)
... if i % 2 == 0:
... database.star(entry)
... if i % 4 == 0:
... database.tag(entry, 'foo')
... if i % 5 == 0:
... database.tag(entry, 'bar')
>>> database.commit()
The actual part: querying the database
To query a database (an instance of the class sunpy.database.Database), its method query is used. It accepts any number (though at least one) of attributes which are chained together using the logical AND-operator. To use OR, the operator | may be used. The first example in the following snippet gets all starred entries with the tag foo. The second one gets all entries with the tag bar that are not starred. Note the tilde ~ before the attribute to negate the meaning of this attribute. The third and last query in this example fetches all starred entries with the tag foo or bar (or both!) and sorts the result by their unique ID. The optional keyword argument id is a string that expresses by which column to sort.
>>> from sunpy.database import attrs
>>> database.query(attrs.Tag('foo'), attrs.Starred())
[<DatabaseEntry(id 4, data provider None, fileid None)>, <DatabaseEntry(id 8, data provider None, fileid None)>]
>>> database.query(attrs.Tag('bar'), ~attrs.Starred())
[<DatabaseEntry(id 5, data provider None, fileid None)>]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(database.query(attrs.Tag('foo') | attrs.Tag('bar'), attrs.Starred(), sortby='id'))
[<DatabaseEntry(id 4, data provider None, fileid None)>,
<DatabaseEntry(id 8, data provider None, fileid None)>,
<DatabaseEntry(id 10, data provider None, fileid None)>]
What are the next plans?
The next plan is to support query attributes from the VSO package so that code like the following will be possible:
>>> from sunpy.net import vso
>>> database.query(vso.attrs.Instrument('EIT'), vso.attrs.Time('2000-01-01', '2000-01-31'))
This would fetch all data that was observed with the EIT in the January 2000.