Week 11 — Support for the VSO attributes Wave and Time

Preparation: filling the database with entries

The VSO is queried for all AIA data that has been observed on the 8th of June, 2011 from 23:59:55 to the end of this day (i.e. a range of 5 seconds). The result is added to the database and displayed in a table to show the values of the observation time (start and end) and the wavelengths. You can see that the wavelengths have been converted from Angstrom to Nanometers. The reason for converting all wavelengths to Nanometers before saving them is that it makes querying using the Wave attribute quite convenient (see the next section to better understand this claim).

>>> from sunpy.net import vso
>>> client = vso.VSOClient()
>>> qr = client.query(vso.attrs.Time('20110608T235955', '2011-06-09'), vso.attrs.Instrument('aia'))
>>> for block in qr:
...     print '{wave.wavemin}\t{wave.wavemax}\t{wave.waveunit}\t'.format(wave=block.wave)
193     193     Angstrom
94      94      Angstrom
131     131     Angstrom
171     171     Angstrom
211     211     Angstrom
>>> from sunpy.database import Database
>>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> database.create_tables()
>>> database.add_from_vso_query_result(qr)
>>> from sunpy.database.tables import display_entries
>>> print display_entries(
...     database,
...     ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start observation_time_end wavemin wavemax
-- ---------------------- -------------------- ------- -------
1  2011-06-08 23:59:55    2011-06-08 23:59:56  19.3    19.3
2  2011-06-08 23:59:56    2011-06-08 23:59:57  9.4     9.4
3  2011-06-08 23:59:57    2011-06-08 23:59:58  13.1    13.1
4  2011-06-09 00:00:00    2011-06-09 00:00:01  17.1    17.1
5  2011-06-09 00:00:00    2011-06-09 00:00:01  21.1    21.1

Querying for wavelengths

Previously, querying for certain wavelengths such as Wave(50, 80, 'GHz') would search for all entries with the waveunit GHz (Gigahertz) and then check if the wavelengths of these entries are in the interval [50, 80]. Now, such a query will iterate over all entries and convert the values 50GHz and 80GHz to Nanometers and check for each database entry if its wavelengths are in the converted range. Here is an example using Angstroms:

>>> print display_entries(
...     database.query(vso.attrs.Wave(100, 200)),
...     ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start observation_time_end wavemin wavemax
-- ---------------------- -------------------- ------- -------
1  2011-06-08 23:59:55    2011-06-08 23:59:56  19.3    19.3
3  2011-06-08 23:59:57    2011-06-08 23:59:58  13.1    13.1
4  2011-06-09 00:00:00    2011-06-09 00:00:01  17.1    17.1

Querying for observation times

A new supported attribute for querying the database is vso.attrs.Time. The start of the observation time of each yielded entry is greater than or equal to the start parameter of the Time attribute. The end of the observation time of each yielded entry is lower than or equal to the end parameter of the Time attribute. See the following example to see how it works:

>>> print display_entries(
...     database.query(vso.attrs.Time('2011-06-08 23:59:57', '2011-06-10')),
...     ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start observation_time_end wavemin wavemax
-- ---------------------- -------------------- ------- -------
3  2011-06-08 23:59:57    2011-06-08 23:59:58  13.1    13.1
4  2011-06-09 00:00:00    2011-06-09 00:00:01  17.1    17.1
5  2011-06-09 00:00:00    2011-06-09 00:00:01  21.1    21.1