Week 9 — Improved Database class

Adding entries by path

It is now simpler to add new database entries by passing a directory. The class Database got a new method add_from_path to add all entries from a given directory. If the optional keyword argument recursive is true, the given directory is searched recursively.

>>> from sunpy.database import Database
>>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> database.create_tables()
>>> import sunpy.data.sample
>>> database.add_from_path(sunpy.data.sample.rootdir)
>>> len(database)
>>> from sunpy.database import display_entries
>>> print display_entries(database, ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'instrument', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start     observation_time_end       instrument waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- ----------------------     --------------------       ---------- -------- ------- -------
1  2010-10-16 19:12:18        2010-10-16 19:12:22        RHESSI     N/A      N/A     N/A
2  2002-06-25 10:00:10.514000 N/A                        EIT        N/A      195.0   195.0
3  2011-03-19 10:54:00.340000 N/A                        AIA_3      N/A      171.0   171.0
4  2011-09-22 00:00:00        2011-09-22 00:00:00        BIR        N/A      N/A     N/A
5  2002-02-20 11:06:00        2002-02-20 11:06:43.330000 RHESSI     N/A      N/A     N/A

Adding entries by VSO query result

To add entries from a VSO query result, the API has been simplified: the new method add_from_vso_query_result accepts a query result and all reachable information will be used to add new entries to the database.

>>> from sunpy.net import vso
>>> client = vso.VSOClient()
>>> qr = client.query(vso.attrs.Time('2010-10-01 10:10:01', '2010-10-01 10:10:10'), vso.attrs.Instrument('AIA'))
>>> qr.num_records()
>>> database.add_from_vso_query_result(qr)
>>> len(database)
>>> print display_entries(database, ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'instrument', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start     observation_time_end       instrument waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- ----------------------     --------------------       ---------- -------- ------- -------
1  2010-10-16 19:12:18        2010-10-16 19:12:22        RHESSI     N/A      N/A     N/A
2  2002-06-25 10:00:10.514000 N/A                        EIT        N/A      195.0   195.0
3  2011-03-19 10:54:00.340000 N/A                        AIA_3      N/A      171.0   171.0
4  2011-09-22 00:00:00        2011-09-22 00:00:00        BIR        N/A      N/A     N/A
5  2002-02-20 11:06:00        2002-02-20 11:06:43.330000 RHESSI     N/A      N/A     N/A
6  2010-10-01 10:10:02        2010-10-01 10:10:03        AIA        Angstrom 94.0    94.0
7  2010-10-01 10:10:03        2010-10-01 10:10:04        AIA        Angstrom 335.0   335.0
8  2010-10-01 10:10:06        2010-10-01 10:10:07        AIA        Angstrom 193.0   193.0
9  2010-10-01 10:10:07        2010-10-01 10:10:08        AIA        Angstrom 1700.0  1700.0
10 2010-10-01 10:10:08        2010-10-01 10:10:09        AIA        Angstrom 304.0   304.0
11 2010-10-01 10:10:09        2010-10-01 10:10:10        AIA        Angstrom 131.0   131.0

Changing cache size at runtime

The cache size can now be changed at runtime. If the cache size becomes smaller, entries are removed until database.cache_size equals database.cache_maxsize. Which entries are removed depends on the actual cache implementation.

>>> # "touch" some entries to make sure that they're not removed
>>> _, _, _,  _, = database[2], database[5], database[7], database[9]
>>> database.set_cache_size(5)
>>> print display_entries(database, ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', 'instrument', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id observation_time_start     observation_time_end instrument waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- ----------------------     -------------------- ---------- -------- ------- -------
3  2011-03-19 10:54:00.340000 N/A                  AIA_3      N/A      171.0   171.0
6  2010-10-01 10:10:02        2010-10-01 10:10:03  AIA        Angstrom 94.0    94.0
8  2010-10-01 10:10:06        2010-10-01 10:10:07  AIA        Angstrom 193.0   193.0
10 2010-10-01 10:10:08        2010-10-01 10:10:09  AIA        Angstrom 304.0   304.0
11 2010-10-01 10:10:09        2010-10-01 10:10:10  AIA        Angstrom 131.0   131.0

New query attributes: Path, DownloadTime, FitsHeaderEntry

The query method now also supports the attributes Path, DownloadTime, and FitsHeaderEntry.

>>> entries = database.query(db_attrs.FitsHeaderEntry('WAVELNTH', 171))
>>> len(entries)
>>> print display_entries(entries, ['id', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- -------- ------- -------
3  N/A      171.0   171.0