Week 8 — Various new features


To be able to show the new implemented features, the database needs to be initialized and populated with some entries. The VSO is queried for all data that has been measured on 2013-08-04 between 12:00:00 and 12:10:00. You can see that this queried data has been completely added to the database, because qr.num_records() returns the same number as len(database).

>>> from sunpy.database import Database, entries_from_query_result
>>> from sunpy.net import vso
>>> client = vso.VSOClient()
>>> qr = client.query(vso.attrs.Time('20130804T120000', '20130804T121000'))
>>> qr.num_records()
>>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> database.create_tables()
>>> for entry in entries_from_query_result(qr):
...     database.add(entry)
>>> len(database)

Slicing syntax for Database instances

I added a handy and readable syntax for fetching some database entries without using the query interface: the slice syntax. Entries are returned ordered by their unique ID and in my opinion it works as expected (but I need feedback from more SunPy devs and users to be sure on that). Take a look at the following code snippet to see how it works:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> assert database[:] == list(database)
>>> pprint(database[:6])
[<DatabaseEntry(id 1, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11007;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/oQR/bqa/201308/tdbqa130804/tdbqa130804t1204.fits.gz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 2, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120014Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 3, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120114Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 4, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120214Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 5, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120314Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 6, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120414Th.fits.fz)>]
>>> pprint(database[:6:2])
[<DatabaseEntry(id 1, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11007;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/oQR/bqa/201308/tdbqa130804/tdbqa130804t1204.fits.gz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 3, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120114Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 5, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120314Th.fits.fz)>]
>>> pprint(database[5:0:-2])
[<DatabaseEntry(id 6, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120414Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 4, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120214Th.fits.fz)>,
 <DatabaseEntry(id 2, data provider NSO, fileid pptid=11018;url=ftp://gong2.nso.edu/HA/haf/201308/20130804/20130804120014Th.fits.fz)>]

Display entries in a table

The new function display_entries accepts an iterable of DatabaseEntry instances and an iterable of strings which stand for the column names of the main database table. Keep in mind that DatabaseEntry is a mapping from a class to a database table, which means that the passed strings are translated to the respective attributes of the entry to get the corresponding value in the database. The code in the following example prints the ID, the instrument, the wavelength unit, the minimum wavelength and the maximum wavelength of every tenth database entry, beginning with the entry #10:

>>> print display_entries(database[9::10], ['id', 'instrument', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id instrument waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- ---------- -------- ------- -------
10 El teide   Angstrom 6562.0  6563.0
20 ChroTel    Angstrom 6562.0  6562.0
30 AIA        Angstrom 304.0   304.0
40 AIA        Angstrom 304.0   304.0
50 AIA        Angstrom 335.0   335.0
60 AIA        Angstrom 1600.0  1600.0

Removing tags

To remove a tag of a certain entry, the method remove_tag is used which accepts the entry that should “lose” a tag and the name of the tag that is to be removed. The propertry tags of a Database instance returns a list of all tags that are saved in the database. It is important to know that if a tag is removed from an entry and there is no database entry in the database with such a tag assigned, this tag itself is removed from the database as well! You can check this behaviour in the following example:

>>> database.tags
>>> first_entry, second_entry = database[:2]
>>> database.tag(first_entry, 'one')
>>> database.tag(second_entry, 'one', 'two')
>>> database.tags
[<Tag(id 1, name 'one')>, <Tag(id 2, name 'two')>]
>>> database.remove_tag(second_entry, 'two')
>>> database.tags
[<Tag(id 1, name 'one')>]
>>> database.remove_tag(first_entry, 'one')
>>> database.tags
[<Tag(id 1, name 'one')>]
>>> database.remove_tag(second_entry, 'one')
>>> database.tags

Supported VSO attributes for querying the database

Currently, only one kind of VSO attribute is supported for querying the database: simple attributes. Simple attributes are those which have only one single value assigned. In particular, they are:

  • Instrument
  • Source
  • Provider
  • Physobs

The following example queries the database for all entries with the instrument ChroTel, the provider KIS and the physobs Intensity:

>>> print display_entries(
...     database.query(vso.attrs.Instrument('ChroTel'), vso.attrs.Provider('KIS'), vso.attrs.Physobs('Intensity')),
...     ['id', 'waveunit', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])
id waveunit wavemin wavemax
-- -------- ------- -------
13 Angstrom 3934.0  3934.0
14 Angstrom 6562.0  6562.0
15 Angstrom 10830.0 10830.0
16 Angstrom 3934.0  3934.0
17 Angstrom 6562.0  6562.0
18 Angstrom 10830.0 10830.0
19 Angstrom 3934.0  3934.0
20 Angstrom 6562.0  6562.0
21 Angstrom 10830.0 10830.0
22 Angstrom 3934.0  3934.0
23 Angstrom 6562.0  6562.0
24 Angstrom 10830.0 10830.0