Astroquery -- New Service Atomic Line List
"Atomic Line List" is a collection of more than 900,000 atomic transitions in the range from 0.5 Å to 1000 µm (source). By adding support for this service in astroquery, it will be possible to access these records easily with the Python programming language.
The class AtomicLineList has only 2 public methods: query_object and query_object_async. The latter one only gives us an HTTP response object, whereas the former one converts the HTTP response into an AstroPy table. So let's take a look at query_object: So far, it only has four parameters (all optional): wavelength_range, wavelength_type, wavelength_accuracy and element_spectrum. The respective web form for Atomic Line List can be found at As you can see there, the first form fields are "Wavelength range" and "Unit". The AstroPy package offers a very handy unit package, so I decided to support this type instead of passing plain strings. Therefore, even more units are supported than the one given in the web form! The parameter wavelength_range is a 2-tuple where each item is a scalar multiplied with an AstroPy unit. Behind the scenes, both values will be converted to Angstrom (arbitrarily chosen from the web form's dropdown menu)
In the following Python session you can see the atomic package in action. Note that Hz is actually not a supported unit by Atomic Line List, the atomic package takes care to support all spectral units.
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astroquery.atomic import AtomicLineList
>>> alist = AtomicLineList()
>>> wavelength_range = (15 * u.nm, 1.5e+16 * u.Hz)
>>> alist.query_object(wavelength_range, wavelength_type='Air', wavelength_accuracy=20, element_spectrum='C II-IV')
<Table rows=3 names=('LAMBDA VAC ANG','SPECTRUM','TT','TERM','J J','LEVEL ENERGY CM 1')>
array([(196.8874, 'C IV', 'E1', '2S-2Po', '1/2-*', '0.00 - 507904.40'),
(197.7992, 'C IV', 'E1', '2S-2Po', '1/2-*', '0.00 - 505563.30'),
(199.0122, 'C IV', 'E1', '2S-2Po', '1/2-*', '0.00 - 502481.80')],
dtype=[('LAMBDA VAC ANG', '<f8'), ('SPECTRUM', 'S4'), ('TT', 'S2'), ('TERM', 'S6'), ('J J', 'S5'), ('LEVEL ENERGY CM 1', 'S18')])