using a custom pygments style via vim color schemes
To convert a vim color schemes to python code, which is required for later use, there is the script in the pygments repository on bitbucket. You pass the path of the vim file to this script. Example:
~/.vim/colors$ summerfruit.vim >
The generated python code is now saved in Let's take a look at it!
~/.vim/colors$ cat
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Summerfruit Colorscheme
Converted by Vim Colorscheme Converter
from import Style
from pygments.token import Token, Comment, Name, Keyword, Generic, Number, Operator, String
class SummerfruitStyle(Style):
background_color = '#ffffff'
styles = {
Token: '#000000 bg:#ffffff',
Generic.Output: '#438ec3 bg:#b7dce8',
Keyword: '#fb660a bold',
Number: '#0086f7 bold',
Name.Tag: '#fb660a bold',
String: '#0086d2',
Generic.Error: '#ffffff bg:#d40000',
Comment: '#22a21f bg:#dbf3cd italic',
Name.Attribute: '#ff0086 bold',
Name.Entity: '#fd8900',
Keyword.Type: '#70796b bold',
Name.Label: '#ff0086',
Name.Function: '#ff0086 bold',
Name.Variable: '#ff0086 bold',
Generic.Subheading: '#000000 bold',
Generic.Heading: '#000000 bold',
Name.Constant: '#0086d2',
Comment.Preproc: '#ff0007 bold',
Now we open a new python shell and execute the following commands to create a CSS file with the information gathered from the generated python file:
>>> from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
>>> from styles import SummerfruitStyle
>>> css_text = HtmlFormatter(style=SummerfruitStyle).get_style_defs()
>>> with open('summerfruit.css', 'w') as cssfile:
... cssfile.write(css_text)
We create a new HtmlFormatter because the wanted output is (X)HTML and pass as the style the class we imported from the generated python file. To get the CSS from a HtmlFormatter instance, the method get_style_defs is used. Finally, this string is written to a new CSS file. Now you can use the CSS file in your pygments highlighted code by simply including it in a way that the generated HTML file accesses it, e.g.:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="summerfruit.css" type="text/css">