
Hello, new SWSG user! In this tutorial you will learn how to work with SWSG projects. To be more detailed, you will learn how to …

  1. create a new project
  2. get a list of all projects
  3. add and modify sources and templates
  4. render a project
  5. remove a project


Before you can start, you need to have SWSG installed. Additionally, you have to know some basic commands to use your terminal (the commands mkdir, cd and ls are sufficient).

Creating a new project#

Open a new terminal window and create an empty directory for all your SWSG projects (this step is optional).

mkdir swsg-projects
cd swsg-projects

Initialize a new project by invoking the following command

swsg-cli init example-project

Let’s see what happened. The first action which was performed is the initialization of the filesystem structure.

tree -F
└── example-project/
    ├── config.ini
    ├── output/
    ├── sources/
    └── templates/

4 directories, 1 file

As you can see, three empty directories and one default configuration file have been created (We will take a look at the configuration file in Configuration). After that, SWSG writes some useful information in a file which saves all SWSG projects with their corresponding properties. These properties are:

  • the name of the project
  • the path which shows where the project directory is located
  • the date and time when the project was created
  • the date and time when the project was modified the last time

The command list-projects lists all projects in an ASCII table, including their discussed properties:

swsg-cli list-projects
|      Name       |            Path            |         Created          |      Last modified       |
| example-project | /Users/simon/swsg-projects | Tue Nov  9 20:58:05 2010 | Tue Nov  9 20:58:05 2010 |

To find out the path of the file which saves these projects, copy & paste the following command into your shell:

[[ $XDG_DATA_HOME != '' ]] && echo -n $XDG_DATA_HOME || echo -n '~/.local/share/'; echo 'swsg/projects.shelve'

Add content#

Let’s add some text files to make the use of SWSG senseful :-)

Create a file with the following content and save it in ~/swsg-projects/example-project/sources/index.rst

A heading

This is my *first* document to test the usage of `SWSG`_. Cool, it seems to
work :-)

.. _SWSG: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/swsg/

Render the project#

To convert all files in your source directory (currently there is only one file, but you can add as many as you want), there is the command render:

swsg-cli render

Remove the project#


It is important that you do not remove the project directory manually, e.g. with the rm command. Because if you do so, the project will still be in the list of projects you get via the list-projects command.